Meeting 07 - Concrete Syntax
What questions does your neighbor have?
- HW 2 due this Friday 9/20 6pm
- Jupyter assignment
- Preview HW 2
- Concrete Syntax
- Triage Your Questions
- Lab 1?
- Revisit and Go Deeper On:
- Inductive Data Types (Meeting 06), if time permits
- Review:
- What’s an inductive data type?
What is the purpose of a programming language specification?
We want to describe a programming language unambigously so that everyone understands how to use it.
Who uses a language specification?
Language designer, language implementer, and language user.
What is the difference between syntax and semantics?
Can a given syntax have two different semantics (in different languages)?
- Syntax is the form of programs (e.g., expressions).
- Semantics is the meaning of programs (e.g., expressions). How programs evaluate.
What is the difference between concrete and abstract syntax?
Concrete syntax is the surface structure of a language (i.e., sequences/strings).
Abstract syntax is the deep structure of a language (i.e., trees/terms).
Concrete Syntax
Formal Language Terminology
In formal language theory, a language \(L\) is …
… a set of strings of characters in some alphabet \(\Sigma\) (i.e., a subset of \(\Sigma^*\))
For example,
\[ \begin{array}{rrl} \Sigma & \stackrel{\text{\tiny def}}{=}& \{ \texttt{a}, \texttt{b} \} \\ L_1 & \stackrel{\text{\tiny def}}{=}& \{ \texttt{aa}, \texttt{bb} \} \\ L_2 & \stackrel{\text{\tiny def}}{=}& \{ \texttt{a}, \texttt{aa}, \texttt{aaa}, \ldots \} \end{array} \]
Formal Language Terminology
A sentence is …
… a string of a language
\[ \texttt{aa} \in L_1 \]
A (context-free) grammar describes …
BNF (Backus-Naur Form) is …
… (context-free) languages
… a notation for (context-free) languages
A grammar consists terminals, non-terminals, and productions:
\[ N \mathrel{::=}\alpha_1 \mid\alpha_2 \mid\cdots \]
where \(N \in \mathcal{N}\) is a non-terminal and \(\alpha \in (\Sigma \cup\mathcal{N})^\ast\).
Lexical versus Syntactic
A lexeme is …
A token is …
… a sequence of characters that form a syntactic unit (lowest level unit)
… a category of lexemes
For example,
- An \(\mathit{if}\) token consists of the lexeme [
] - A \(\mathit{num}\) token has possible lexemes { [
], [1
], [4
] }
A lexer (i.e., lexical analyzer)
- groups characters into lexemes and classifies them into tokens
A parser (i.e., syntactic analyzer)
- recognizes sequences of tokens
Generators versus Recognizers
A grammar can be viewed as either generating a the set of strings in a language \(L\) or recognizing whether a given string \(s\) is in a language \(L\).
Example Grammars
\[ e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e \]
- What are the terminals and non-terminals?
- What is \(n\)? It is a terminal. If it is a meta-variable, then it stands for a element in some set and must stated elsewhere.
- What is the alphabet?
Each non-terminal describes an inductively-defined language.
Parsing Derivations
Give a parsing derivation for 1 + 2 * 3
with \(e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e\).
Parse Trees
Give a parse tree for 1 + 2 * 3
with \(e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e\).
What should 1 + 2 * 3
evaluate to (i.e., what is the semantics of 1 + 2 * 3
This string can be thought of as either (1 + 2) * 3
or 1 + (2 * 3)
The same string can be read in two different ways!
“Ambiguous grammars need parentheses!”
Give another parsing derivation for 1 + 2 * 3
with \(e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e\).
Give the corresponding parse tree as the previous derivation for 1 + 2 * 3
with \(e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e\).
What’s the “parenthesization”?
Resolving Ambiguity: Associativity
\[ e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e - e \]
Is this grammar ambiguous?
Consider 7 - 3 - 2
What does 7 - 3 - 2
evaluate to?
(7 - 3) - 2
or 7 - (3 - 2)
Exercise: Can we rewrite the grammar so that we get left associativity?
Is the following unambiguous and what associativity does it have?
\[ e \mid n \mid e - n \]
It has left recursion. Can we rewrite the grammar so that we get right associativity?
Resolving Ambiguity: Precedence
\[ e \mathrel{::=}n \mid n + e \mid n * e \]
Is this grammar ambiguous?
Is it what we want (intuitively)?
Consider 7 + 8 * 5
and 7 * 8 + 5
Exercise: Write parse trees.
Resolving Ambiguity: Precedence
Consider the ambiguous grammar again:
\[ e \mathrel{::=}n \mid e + e \mid e * e \]
What does this grammar do?
\[ \begin{array}{rrl} e & \mathrel{::=}& t \mid t + e \\ t & \mathrel{::=}& n \mid n * t \end{array} \]
Exercise: Write parse trees for 7 + 8 * 5
and 7 * 8 + 5
using both grammars.
Bonus: Resolving Ambiguity
\[ \begin{array}{rrl} s & \mathrel{::=}& \mathit{ifstmt} \mid\cdots \\ \mathit{ifstmt} & \mathrel{::=}& \texttt{if} \; e \; \texttt{then} \; s \\ & \mid& \texttt{if} \; e \; \texttt{then} \; s \; \texttt{else} \; s \end{array} \]
Write Grammars
Write a grammar for a language that has the string \(\texttt{aa}\).
Write Grammars
Write a grammar for a language that has an even number of \(\texttt{a}\)’s.
Write Grammars
Write a grammar for a language that has an odd number of \(\texttt{a}\)’s.
Write Grammars
Write a grammar that generates matching open and close braces {