defined trait Expr
Meeting 09 - Static Scoping
What questions does your neighbor have?
In-Class Slides
In-Class Jupyter
Book Chapter
- Lab 2 due this Friday (or Monday?) 6pm
- Preview Lab 2
- Static Scoping
- Triage Your Questions
- Using VSCode or the terminal to test your code (on
- Auto-testing with GitHub Actions?
- HW2?
- Review:
- How does a recursive-descent parser work, roughly?
Review: Variable Binding and Scope
What’s variable binding?
What’s variable scope?
Variable Binding
How do you bind a variable in Scala?
In JavaScript?
Let’s extend our abstract syntax type Expr
defined trait Expr defined class N defined class Plus defined class Var defined class ConstDecl
Ask: What’s the scope of a variable binding in this representation?
Free Variables
Let’s define a function to compute the free variables of a JavaScripty expression:
defined function freeVars
e_n: N = N(n = 2.0) e_plusnn: Plus = Plus(e1 = N(n = 2.0), e2 = N(n = 2.0)) e_var: Var = Var(x = "four") e_plusvarvar: Plus = Plus(e1 = Var(x = "four"), e2 = Var(x = "four")) e_constdecl: ConstDecl = ConstDecl( x = "four", e1 = Plus(e1 = N(n = 2.0), e2 = N(n = 2.0)), e2 = Plus(e1 = Var(x = "four"), e2 = Var(x = "four")) )
defined function freeVars
fv_n: Set[String] = Set() fv_plusnn: Set[String] = Set() fv_var: Set[String] = Set("four") fv_plusvarvar: Set[String] = Set("four") fv_constdecl: Set[String] = Set()
Value Environments
What is the meaning of an expression with free variables?
Compilation Failed
defined type Env defined function eval
Start with just refactoring with the additional parameter.
Compilation Failed
Compilation Failed
defined function evalExpr
Renaming Bound Variables
const four = (2 + 2); (four + four)
const x = (2 + 2); (x + x)
const fuzz = (2 + 2); (fuzz + fuzz)
Discuss: We generally consider terms equivalent up to the renaming of bound variables (e.g., we “see” the three expressions given above as the “same” expression).
Let’s implement rename
that renames all variables into "x0"
, "x1"
, etc.
defined function rename
defined function rename