Meeting 27 - Procedural Abstraction


Bor-Yuh Evan Chang


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

\(\newcommand{\TirName}[1]{\text{#1}} \newcommand{\inferrule}[3][]{ \let\and\qquad \begin{array}{@{}l@{}} \TirName{#1} \\ \displaystyle \frac{#2}{#3} \end{array} } \newcommand{\infer}[3][]{\inferrule[#1]{#2}{#3}} \)

What questions does your neighbor have?


  • Remainder of the Semester
    • HW 5 and Lab 5 before Thanksgiving break
    • Unit 6 (probably one combined assignment) Lab 5 after Thanksgiving break
    • Exam 5-6 in the last week of classes before the Final
  • Come see us to make a study plan
    • e.g., via the redo policy
    • see the Final Exam as an opportunity to show growth from mid-semester exams.



  • Review:
    • What is the essence of imperative computation?


What are procedures?

When “functions” can be imperative, they are called procedures. Procedures allow reusing code but are very different than mathematical functions.


\[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{expressions} & e& \mathrel{::=}& \cdots \mid x \mathrel{\texttt{=}}e_1 \end{array} \]

What if we applied substitution as before?

Naively applying substitution for function call does not make any sense: \[ \begin{array}{rrl} (\texttt{(} \texttt{i} \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} \texttt{i} \mathrel{\texttt{=}} \texttt{1} \texttt{,}\,\texttt{console}\texttt{.}\texttt{log}\texttt{(} \texttt{i} \texttt{)} ) \texttt{(} \texttt{2} \texttt{)} & \longrightarrow& {}[ \texttt{2} / \texttt{i} ] ( \texttt{i} \mathrel{\texttt{=}} \texttt{1} \texttt{,}\,\texttt{console}\texttt{.}\texttt{log}\texttt{(} \texttt{i} \texttt{)} ) \\ & = & { ( \texttt{2} \mathrel{\texttt{=}} \texttt{1} \texttt{,}\,\texttt{console}\texttt{.}\texttt{log}\texttt{(} \texttt{2} \texttt{)} ) } \end{array} \]

Static Memory

Without procedure call, dynamically-allocated memory addresses seems overkill. \[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{memories} & m& \mathrel{::=}& \cdot\mid m[x \mapsto v] \end{array} \]

\[ \inferrule[DoAssignVar]{ }{ \langle x \mathrel{\texttt{=}} v , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle v, m[x \mapsto v] \rangle } \]

But what does this form of memory look like?

Procedures: Syntax

\[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{types} & \tau& \mathrel{::=}& \texttt{number}\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} \tau' \\ \text{values} & v& \mathrel{::=}& n\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1 \\ \text{expressions} & e& \mathrel{::=}& n\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1 \mid x \mid e_1\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \mid x \mathrel{\texttt{=}}e_1 \mid\mathord{\texttt{*}}a \end{array} \]

Figure 1: Syntax of TypeScripty with number literals, procedure literals, procedure calls, and mutable variable assignment.

Procedures: Semantics

\(\fbox{$ \langle e, m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e', m' \rangle $}\)

\(\inferrule[DoDeref]{ }{ \langle \mathord{\texttt{*}}a , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle m(a) , m \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[DoAssignVar]{ }{ \langle \mathord{\texttt{*}}a \mathrel{\texttt{=}} v , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle v, m[a \mapsto v] \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[DoCall]{ a\notin \operatorname{dom}(m) }{ \langle (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1) \texttt{(} v_2 \texttt{)} , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle {}[ \mathord{\texttt{*}}a /x]e_1 , m[a \mapsto v_2] \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchAssign2]{ \langle e_2', m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_2', m' \rangle }{ \langle \mathord{\texttt{*}}a \mathrel{\texttt{=}} e_2 , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle \mathord{\texttt{*}}a \mathrel{\texttt{=}} e_2' , m' \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchCall1]{ e_1 \longrightarrow e_1' }{ e_1\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow e_1'\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchCall2]{ e_2 \longrightarrow e_2' }{ (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1) \texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{var}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1)\texttt{(}e_2'\texttt{)} }\)

Figure 2: Small-step operational semantics of TypeScripty with number literals, procedure literals, procedure calls, and mutable variable assignment.

Procedures: Implementation

defined trait Expr
defined class N
defined class Var
defined class Assign
defined class Deref
defined class A
defined function isValue
defined class Mem
defined object Mem
defined class DoWith
defined object DoWith
import DoWith._
defined function memalloc
defined function substitute
defined function step

Parameter-Passing Modes

Small changes in \(\TirName{DoCall}\).

Call-By-Name Parameters: Syntax

\[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{types} & \tau& \mathrel{::=}& \texttt{number}\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, m\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} \tau' \\ \text{values} & v& \mathrel{::=}& n\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, m\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1 \\ \text{expressions} & e& \mathrel{::=}& n\mid\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, m\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1 \mid x \mid e_1\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \mid m\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 \\ \text{parameter modes} & m& \mathrel{::=}& \mathbf{const}\mid\mathbf{name} \end{array} \]

Figure 3: Syntax of TypeScripty with number literals, function literals with parameter modes, and variable declarations, and function call expressions.

Call-By-Name Parameters: Semantics

\(\fbox{$e \longrightarrow e'$}\)

\(\inferrule[DoCallByValue]{ }{ (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{const}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1) \texttt{(}v_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow{}[v_2/x]e_1 }\)

\(\inferrule[DoCallByName]{ }{ (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{name}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1) \texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow{}[e_2/x]e_1 }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchCall1]{ e_1 \longrightarrow e_1' }{ e_1\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow e_1'\texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchCall2]{ e_2 \longrightarrow e_2' }{ (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{const}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1) \texttt{(}e_2\texttt{)} \longrightarrow (\texttt{(}x\texttt{:}\, \mathbf{const}\,\tau \texttt{)} \mathrel{\texttt{=}\!\texttt{>}} e_1)\texttt{(}e_2'\texttt{)} }\)

\(\inferrule[DoConstDecl]{ }{ \mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;v_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 \longrightarrow {}[v_1/x]e_2 }\)

\(\inferrule[DoNameDecl]{ }{ \mathbf{name}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 \longrightarrow {}[e_1/x]e_2 }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchConstDecl]{ e_1 \longrightarrow e_1' }{ \mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 \longrightarrow\mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1'\texttt{;}\;e_2 }\)

Figure 4: Small-step operational semantics of TypeScripty with number literals, function literals with parameter modes, variable declarations, and function call expressions.

Exotic Parameter-Passing Modes

Reference parameters (as in C++ and C#)?

Out parameters (as in C#)?

In-out parameters (as in Ada)?


First-class addresses (i.e., when “addresses are values”).

Dynamically-Allocated Mutable Objects: Syntax

\[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{expressions} & e& \mathrel{::=}& n \mid\texttt{\{} \overline{ f\texttt{:}\,e } \texttt{\}} \mid e_1 \mathrel{\texttt{=}}e_2 \mid e_1\texttt{.}f \mid x \mid\mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 \\ \text{values} & v& \mathrel{::=}& n\mid a \\ \text{location values} & l& \mathrel{::=}& a\texttt{.}f \\ \text{addresses} & a \end{array} \]

Figure 5: Syntax of TypeScripty with number literals and dynamically-allocated mutable objects.

Dynamically-Allocated Mutable Objects: Semantics

\[ \begin{array}{rrrl} \text{memories} & m& \mathrel{::=}& \cdot\mid m[a \mapsto \texttt{\{} \overline{ f\texttt{:}\,v } \texttt{\}} ] \end{array} \]

Figure 6: Memories for JavaScripty with dynamically-allocated mutable objects.

Dynamically-Allocated Mutable Objects: Semantics

\(\fbox{$ \langle e, m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e', m' \rangle $}\)

\(\inferrule[DoObject]{ a\notin \operatorname{dom}(m) }{ \langle \texttt{\{} \overline{ f\texttt{:}\,v } \texttt{\}} , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle a, m[a \mapsto \texttt{\{} \overline{ f\texttt{:}\,v } \texttt{\}} ] \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[DoGetField]{ m(a) = \texttt{\{} \ldots\texttt{,} f\texttt{:}\,v\texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{\}} }{ \langle a\texttt{.}f , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle v, m \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[DoAssignField]{ m(a) = \texttt{\{} \ldots\texttt{,} f\texttt{:}\,v\texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{\}} }{ \langle a\texttt{.}f \mathrel{\texttt{=}} v' , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle v' , m[a \mapsto \texttt{\{} \ldots\texttt{,} f\texttt{:}\,v'\texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{\}} ] \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchObject]{ \langle e_i, m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_i', m' \rangle }{ \langle \texttt{\{} \ldots\texttt{,}f_i\texttt{:}\,e_i\texttt{,}\ldots \texttt{\}} , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle \texttt{\{} \ldots\texttt{,}f_i\texttt{:}\,e_i'\texttt{,}\ldots \texttt{\}} , m' \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchGetField]{ \langle e_1, m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_1', m' \rangle }{ \langle e_1\texttt{.}f , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_1'\texttt{.}f , m' \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchAssign2]{ \langle e_2', m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_2', m' \rangle }{ \langle a\texttt{.}f \mathrel{\texttt{=}} e_2 , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle a\texttt{.}f \mathrel{\texttt{=}} e_2' , m' \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[DoConstDecl]{ }{ \langle \mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;v_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle {}[v_1/x]e_2 , m \rangle }\)

\(\inferrule[SearchConstDecl]{ \langle e_1', m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle e_1', m' \rangle }{ \langle \mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1\texttt{;}\;e_2 , m \rangle \longrightarrow \langle \mathbf{const}\;x\;\texttt{=}\;e_1'\texttt{;}\;e_2 , m' \rangle }\)

Figure 7: Small-step operational semantics of JavaScripty with dynamically-allocated mutable objects.


const a = { val: 1 };
const b = a;
b.val = 42;