def repeat(s: String, n: Int): String = ???
defined function repeat
The primary learning goals of this assignment are to build intuition for the following:
A version of project files for this lab resides in the public pppl-lab1 repository. Please follow separate instructions to get a private clone of this repository for your work.
You will be replacing ???
in the Lab1.scala
file with solutions to the coding exercises described below. Make sure that you remove the ???
and replace it with the answer.
You may add additional tests to the Lab1Spec.scala
file. In the Lab1Spec.scala
, there is empty test class Lab1StudentSpec
that you can use to separate your tests from the given tests in the Lab1Spec
class. You are also likely to edit
for any scratch work.
Single-file notebooks are convenient when experimenting with small bits of code, but they can become unwieldy when one needs a multiple-file project instead. In this case, we use standard build tools (e.g., sbt
for Scala), IDEs (e.g., Visual Studio Code with Metals), and source control systems (e.g., git
with GitHub). While it is almost overkill to use these standard software engineering tools for this lab, we get practice using these tools in the small.
If you like, you may use this notebook for experimentation. However, please make sure your code is in Lab1.scala
; this notebook will not graded.
Exercise 10.1 Write a recursive function repeat
def repeat(s: String, n: Int): String = ???
defined function repeat
where repeat(s, n)
returns a string with n
copies of s
concatenated together. For example, repeat("a",3)
returns "aaa"
. Implement by this function by direct recursion. Do not use any Scala library methods.
In this exercise, we will implement the square root function. To do so, we will use Newton’s method (also known as Newton-Raphson).
Recall from Calculus that a root of a differentiable function can be iteratively approximated by following tangent lines. More precisely, let \(f\) be a differentiable function, and let \(x_0\) be an initial guess for a root of \(f\). Then, Newton’s method specifies a sequence of approximations \(x_0, x_1, \ldots\) with the following recursive equation:
\[ x_{n + 1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \;.\]
The square root of a real number \(c\) for \(c > 0\), written \(\sqrt{c}\), is a positive \(x\) such that \(x^2 = c\). Thus, to compute the square root of a number \(c\), we want to find the positive root of the function: \[f(x) = x^2 - c \;.\] Thus, the following recursive equation defines a sequence of approximations for \(\sqrt{c}\): \[x_{n + 1} = x_n - \frac{x_n^2 - c}{2 x_n} \;.\]
Exercise 10.2 First, implement a function sqrtStep
def sqrtStep(c: Double, xn: Double): Double = ???
defined function sqrtStep
that takes one step of approximation in computing \(\sqrt{c}\) (i.e., computes \(x_{n + 1}\) from \(x_n\)).
Exercise 10.3 Next, implement a function sqrtN
def sqrtN(c: Double, x0: Double, n: Int): Double = ???
defined function sqrtN
that computes the \(n\)th approximation \(x_n\) from an initial guess \(x_0\). You will want to call sqrtStep
implemented in the previous part.
You need to implement this function using recursion and no mutable variables (i.e., var
s)—you will want to use a recursive helper function. It is also quite informative to compare your recursive solution with one using a while
Exercise 10.4 Now, implement a function sqrtErr
def sqrtErr(c: Double, x0: Double, epsilon: Double): Double = ???
defined function sqrtErr
that is very similar to sqrtN
but instead computes approximations \(x_n\) until the approximation error is within \(\varepsilon\) (epsilon
), that is, \(|x_n^2 - c| < \varepsilon \;.\) You can use your absolute value function abs
implemented in a previous part. A wrapper function sqrt
is given in the template that simply calls sqrtErr
with a choice of x0
and epsilon
You need to implement this function using recursion, though it is useful to compare your recursive solution to one with a while
In this question, we review implementing operations on binary search trees from Data Structures. Balanced binary search trees are common in standard libraries to implement collections, such as sets or maps. For simplicity, we do not worry about balancing in this question.
Trees are important structures in developing interpreters, so this question is also critical practice in implementing tree manipulations.
A binary search tree is a binary tree that satisfies an ordering invariant. Let \(n\) be any node in a binary search tree whose left child is \(l\), data value is \(d\), and right child is \(r\). The ordering invariant is that all of the data values in the subtree rooted at \(l\) must be \(< d\), and all of the data values in the subtree rooted at \(r\) must be \(\geq d\). We will represent a binary trees containing integer data using the following Scala case class
sealed trait Tree
case object Empty extends Tree
case class Node(l: Tree, d: Int, r: Tree) extends Tree
defined trait Tree defined object Empty defined class Node
A Tree
is either Empty
or a Node
with left child l
, data value d
, and right child r
For this question, we will implement the following four functions.
Exercise 10.5 The function repOk
def repOk(t: Tree): Boolean = {
def check(t: Tree, min: Int, max: Int): Boolean = t match {
case Empty => true
case Node(l, d, r) => ???
check(t, Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
defined function repOk
checks that an instance of Tree
is valid binary search tree. In other words, it checks using a traversal of the tree the ordering invariant described above. This function is useful for testing your implementation.
Exercise 10.6 The function insert
def insert(t: Tree, n: Int): Tree = ???
defined function insert
inserts an integer into the binary search tree. Observe that the return type of insert
is a Tree
. This choice suggests a functional style where we construct and return a new output tree that is the input tree t
with the additional integer n
as opposed to destructively updating the input tree.
Exercise 10.7 The function deleteMin
def deleteMin(t: Tree): (Tree, Int) = {
require(t != Empty)
(t: @unchecked) match {
case Node(Empty, d, r) => (r, d)
case Node(l, d, r) =>
val (l1, m) = deleteMin(l)
defined function deleteMin
deletes the smallest data element in the search tree (i.e., the leftmost node). It returns both the updated tree and the data value of the deleted node. This function is intended as a helper function for the delete
Exercise 10.8 The function delete
def delete(t: Tree, n: Int): Tree = ???
defined function delete
removes the first node with data value equal to n
. This function is trickier than insert
because what should be done depends on whether the node to be deleted has children or not. We advise that you take advantage of pattern matching to organize the cases.
In this question, we consider the arithmetic sub-language of JavaScripty (i.e., a basic calculator). We represent the abstract syntax for this sub-language in Scala using the following inductive data type:
sealed trait Expr // e ::=
case class N(n: Double) extends Expr // n
case class Unary(uop: Uop, e1: Expr) extends Expr // | uop e1
case class Binary(bop: Bop, e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr // | e1 bop e2
sealed trait Uop // uop ::=
case object Neg extends Uop // -
sealed trait Bop // bop ::=
case object Plus extends Bop // +
case object Minus extends Bop // | -
case object Times extends Bop // | *
case object Div extends Bop // | /
defined trait Expr defined class N defined class Unary defined class Binary defined trait Uop defined object Neg defined trait Bop defined object Plus defined object Minus defined object Times defined object Div
In comments, we give a grammar that connects the abstract syntax with the concrete syntax of the language. We consider grammars in more detail subsequentlyin ?sec-grammars. For now, it is fine to ignore the concrete syntax or use your intuition for the connection. ow, given the inductive data type Expr
defining the abstract syntax:
Exercise 10.9 Implement the eval
def eval(e: Expr): Double = e match {
case N(n) => ???
case _ => ???
defined function eval
that evaluates the Scala representation of a JavaScripty expression e
to the Scala double-precision floating point number corresponding to the Scala representation of the JavaScripty value of e
. At this point, you have implemented your first language interpreter!
To go in more detail, consider a JavaScripty expression \(e\), and imagine \(e\) to be concrete syntax. This text is parsed into a JavaScripty AST e
, that is, a Scala value of type Expr
. Then, the result of eval
is a Scala number of type Double
and should match the interpretation of \(e\) as a JavaScript expression. These distinctions can be subtle but learning to distinguish between them will go a long way in making sense of programming languages.
To see what a JavaScripty expression \(e\) should evaluate to, you may want to run \(e\) through a JavaScript interpreter to see what the value should be. For example,
3 + 4
1 / 7
6 * 4 - 2 + 10
Scala worksheets provide an interactive interface in the context of a multi-file project. A worksheet is a good place to start for experimenting with an implementation, whether on existing code or code that you are in the process of writing. A scratch worksheet
is provided for you in the code repository.
To test and experiment with your eval
function, you can write JavaScripty expressions directly in abstract syntax like above. You can also make use of a parser that is provided for you: it reads in a JavaScripty program-as-a-String
and converts into an abstract syntax tree of type Expr
For your convenience, we have also provided in the template Lab1.scala
file, an overloaded eval: String => Double
function that calls the provided parser and then delegates to your eval: Expr => Double
Once you have experimented enough in your worksheet to have some tests, it is useful to save those tests to run over-and-over again as you work on your implementation. The idea behind test-driven development is that we first write a test for what we expect our implementation to do. Initially, we expect our implementation to fail the test, and then we work on our implementation until the test succeeds. IDEs have features to support this workflow. While a test suite can never be exhaustive, we have provided a number of initial tests for you in Lab1Spec.scala
to partially drive your test-driven development of the functions in this assignment.
While you may not need them in this assignment, the ast.scala
file also includes some basic helper functions for working with the AST, such as
def isValue(e: Expr): Boolean = e match {
case N(_) => true
case _ => false
val e_minus4_2 = N(-4.2)
val e_neg_4_2 = Unary(Neg, N(4.2))
defined function isValue e_minus4_2: N = N(n = -4.2) res12_2: Boolean = true e_neg_4_2: Unary = Unary(uop = Neg, e1 = N(n = 4.2)) res12_4: Boolean = false
the defines which expressions are values. In this case, literal number expressions N(
\(n\) )
are values where \(n\) is the meta-variable for JavaScripty numbers. We represent JavaScripty numbers in Scala with Scala values of type Double
We also define functions to pretty-print, that is, convert abstract syntax to concrete syntax:
def prettyNumber(n: Double): String =
if (n.isWhole) "%.0f" format n else n.toString
def pretty(v: Expr): String = {
(v: @unchecked) match {
case N(n) => prettyNumber(n)
defined function prettyNumber defined function pretty res13_2: String = "4.2" res13_3: String = "10"
We only define pretty
for values, and we do not override the toString
method so that the abstract syntax can be printed as-is.
e_minus4_2.toString e_neg_4_2
res14_0: String = "N(-4.2)" res14_1: String = "Unary(Neg,N(4.2))"
The @unchecked
annotation tells the Scala compiler that we know the pattern match is non-exhaustive syntactically, so we do not want to be warned about it. However, we see that our definition of isValue
rules out the potential for a match error at run time (right?).
If you are a University of Colorado Boulder student, we use Gradescope for assignment submission. In summary,
You need to have a GitHub identity and must have your full name in your GitHub profile in case we need to associate you with your submissions.