trait Expr
case class Fun(xopt: Option[String], y: String, e1: Expr) extends Expr // e ::= x?(y) => e1
case class Call(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr // e ::= e1(e2)
defined trait Expr defined class Fun defined class Call
The primary learning goals of this assignment are to build intuition for the following:
A version of project files for this lab resides in the public pppl-lab3 repository. Please follow separate instructions to get a private clone of this repository for your work.
You will be replacing ???
or case _ => ???
in the Lab3.scala
file with solutions to the coding exercises described below.
Your lab will not be graded if it does not compile. You may check compilation with your IDE, sbt compile
, or with the “sbt compile” GitHub Action provided for you. Comment out any code that does not compile or causes a failing assert. Put in ???
as needed to get something that compiles without error.
You may add additional tests to the Lab3Spec.scala
file. In the Lab3Spec.scala
, there is empty test class Lab3StudentSpec
that you can use to separate your tests from the given tests in the Lab3Spec
class. You are also likely to edit
for any scratch work. You can also use Lab3.worksheet.js
to write and experiment in a JavaScript file that you can then parse into a JavaScripty AST (see
If you like, you may use this notebook for experimentation. However, please make sure your code is in Lab3.scala
; code in this notebook will not graded.
Note that there is a section with concept exercises (Section 22.6). Make sure to complete the concept exercises in that section and turn in this file as part of your submission for the concept exercises. However, all code and testing exercises from other sections are submitted in Lab3.scala
or Lab3Spec.scala
Recall that you need to switch kernels between running JavaScript and Scala cells.
We consider the same JavaScripty variant as in the previous exercise on big-step operational semantics (Section 20.1) where the interesting language feature are first-class functions:
trait Expr
case class Fun(xopt: Option[String], y: String, e1: Expr) extends Expr // e ::= x?(y) => e1
case class Call(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr // e ::= e1(e2)
defined trait Expr defined class Fun defined class Call
We consider a Fun
constructor for representing JavaScripty function literals. This version of Fun
allows for named functions. When a function expression
In the abstract syntax representation, the xopt: Option[String]
parameter in our Fun
constructor is None
if there is no identifier present (cannot be used recursively), or Some(x: String)
if there is an identifier, x
, present (can be used recursively).
In this lab, we will do two things. First, we will move to implementing a small-step interpreter with a function step
that takes an e: Expr
and returns a one-step reduction of e
. A small-step interpreter makes explicit the evaluation order of expressions. Second, we will remove environments and instead use a language semantics based on substitution. This change will result in static, lexical scoping without needing closures, thus demonstrating another way to fix dynamical scoping.
These two changes are orthogonal, that is, one could implement a big-step interpreter using substitution (as in Section 19.4) or a small-step interpreter using environments. Substitution is a fairly simple way to get lexical scoping, but in practice, it is rarely used because it is not the most efficient implementation.
Exercise 22.1 (Substitute) Since our implementation requires substitution, we begin by implementing substitute
, which substitutes value v
for all free occurrences of variable x
in expression e
def substitute(e: Expr, v: Expr, x: String): Expr = ???
defined function substitute
We advise defining substitute
by induction on e
. The cases to be careful about are ConstDecl
and Fun
because these are the variable binding constructs (as discussed in the reading on substitution in Section 21.9). In particular, calling substitute
on expression
; { const a = 4; a } a
with value 3
for variable a
should return
3; { const a = 4; a }
3; { const a = 4; 3 }
This function is a helper for the step
function, but you might want to implement all of the cases of step
that do not require substitute
Our step
performs a single reduction step. We may want to test it by repeatedly calling it with an expression until reducing to value. Thus, from a software engineering standpoint, you might want to evolve the iterate
function described below together with your implementation of step
This idea of repeatedly performing an action until some condition is satisfied is a loop or iteration. We have seen that we can iterate with a tail-recursive helper function. For example, consider the sumTo
function that sums the integers from 0
to n
def sumTo(n: Int): Int = {
def loop(acc: Int, i: Int): Int = {
require(n >= 0)
if (i > n) acc
else loop(acc + i, i + 1)
loop(0, 0)
defined function sumTo res2_1: Int = 5050
This pattern of repeating something until a condition is satisfied is exceedingly common (e.g., computing the square root using Newton-Raphson approximation until the error is small enough from a previous assignment).
Because this pattern is so common, we want to get practice refactoring this pattern into a library function. This library function will be a higher-order function because it takes the “something” (i.e., what to do in each loop iteration) as a function parameter.
Exercise 22.2 (Iterate with Error Side-Effects) Implement the generic, higher-order library function iterateBasic
. The iterateBasic
function repeatedly calls (i.e., iterates) the callback stepi
until it returns None
starting from acc0: A
. Note that iterateBasic
is generic in the accumulation type A
. The stepi
callback takes the current accumulator of type A
and the iteration number as an Int
and indicates continuing by returning Some(acc)
for some next accumulator value acc
def iterateBasic[A](acc0: A)(stepi: (A, Int) => Option[A]): A = {
def loop(acc: A, i: Int): A = ???
loop(acc0, 0)
defined function iterateBasic
We can test iterateBasic
by using it with a client like sumTo
def sumTo(n: Int) = {
iterateBasic(0) { case (acc, i) =>
require(n >= 0)
if (i > n) None
else Some(acc + i)
scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing scala.Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark(Predef.scala:345) ammonite.$sess.cmd3$Helper.loop$1( ammonite.$sess.cmd3$Helper.iterateBasic( ammonite.$sess.cmd4$Helper.sumTo( ammonite.$sess.cmd4$Helper.<init>( ammonite.$sess.cmd4$.<clinit>(
We see how sumTo
can use iterateBasic
Exercise 22.3 (Iterate with Error Values) One unfortunate aspect of the above is that sumTo
“exits iterateBasic
with an error” by throwing an exception (i.e., with the require(n >= 0)
). Let us refactor iterateBasic
to allow for explicit error values using Either[Err, A]
def iterate[Err, A](acc0: A)(stepi: (A, Int) => Option[Either[Err, A]]): Either[Err, A] = {
def loop(acc: A, i: Int): Either[Err, A] = ???
loop(acc0, 0)
def sumTo(n: Int): Either[IllegalArgumentException, Int] = {
iterate(0) { case (acc, i) =>
if (n < 0) Some(Left(new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed")))
else if (i > n) None
else Some(Right(acc + i))
scala.NotImplementedError: an implementation is missing scala.Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark(Predef.scala:345) ammonite.$sess.cmd5$Helper.loop$1( ammonite.$sess.cmd5$Helper.iterate( ammonite.$sess.cmd5$Helper.sumTo( ammonite.$sess.cmd5$Helper.<init>( ammonite.$sess.cmd5$.<clinit>(
The iterate
is now parametrized by an error type Err
and returns an Either[Err, A]
. The stepi
callback should return None
if it wants to stop normally, Some(Left(err))
if it wants to stop with an error, and Some(Right(acc)
if it wants to continue with an accumulator value acc
We can now see how we can use iterate
as a library function to iterate your step
implementation. In particular, this is how iterate
will be used to iterate step
while adding some debugging output:
def iterateStep(e: Expr) = {
require(closed(e), s"iterateStep: ${e} not closed")
if (debug) {
println("Evaluating with step ...")
val v = iterate(e) { (e: Expr, n: Int) =>
if (debug) { println(s"Step $n: $e") }
if (isValue(e)) None else Some(step(e))
if (debug) { println("Value: " + v) }
Of particular interest is the anonymous function passed to iterate
that calls your implementation of step
In this section, we implement the one-step evaluation judgment form
A step-result
We represent a step-result Either[DynamicTypeError, Expr]
case class DynamicTypeError(e: Expr) {
override def toString = s"TypeError: in expression $e"
type Result = Either[DynamicTypeError, Expr] // r ::= typeerror e | e
defined class DynamicTypeError defined type Result
Note that unlike before, DynamicTypeError
is not an Exception
, so it cannot be throw
The small-step semantics that we should implement are given in the section below (Section 22.5). The language we implement is JavaScripty with numbers, booleans, strings,
Exercise 22.4 (Step without Dynamic Type Checking) We advise first implementing the cases restricted to judgments of the form stepBasic
function with type:
def stepBasic(e: Expr): Expr = ???
defined function stepBasic
That is, just crash with a MatchError
exception if your step
encounters any ill-typed expression e
The suggested practice here is to read some rules, write a few tests for those rules, and implement the cases for those tests.
Exercise 22.5 (Step with Dynamic Type Checking) Then, copy your code from stepBasic
to stepCheck
def stepCheck(e: Expr): Either[DynamicTypeError, Expr] = ???
defined function stepCheck
to then add dynamic type checking. You will likely need to refactor your code to satisfy the new types before implementing the
Exercise 22.6 (To Boolean) You will need to implement a toBoolean
function to convert JavaScripty values to booleans, following the
def toBoolean(e: Expr): Boolean = ???
defined function toBoolean
However, you will not need any other type coercion functions here.
Note that the tests call the step
function that is originally defined as:
//def step(e: Expr): Either[DynamicTypeError, Expr] = Right(stepBasic(e))
def step(e: Expr): Either[DynamicTypeError, Expr] = stepCheck(e)
You can first test stepBasic
by uncommenting the first line and commenting out the second line.
Note that the provided tests are minimal. You will want to add your own tests to cover most language features.
In this section, we give the small-step operational semantics for JavaScripty with numbers, booleans, strings,
We write substitute
It is informative to compare the small-step semantics used in this lab and the big-step semantics from last homework.
Make sure to complete the concept exercises in this section and turn in this file as part of your submission. However, all code and testing exercises from other sections are submitted in Lab3.scala
or Lab3Spec.scala
Exercise 22.7 (Evaluation Order) Consider the small-step operational semantics shown in Section 22.5. What is the evaluation order for
Edit this cell:
Exercise 22.8 (Changing Evaluation Order) How do we change the rules to obtain the opposite evaluation order?
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Exercise 22.9 (Using Short-Circuit Evaluation) Give an example that illustrates the usefulness of short-circuit evaluation. Explain your example.
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Exercise 22.10 (Removing Short-Circuit Evaluation) Consider the small-step operational semantics shown in Section 22.5. Does
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This section has some space to write some tests in our subset of JavaScript. You might want to work on these tests while you are implementing step
. As before, you will add your tests to Lab3StudentSpec
. Your interpreter will run the tests against the expected result you provide. We will write three tests, all of these tests must properly parse.
Exercise 22.11 (Test 1: Higher-Order Function) Write a test case that has a function that takes a function value as an argument (i.e., is a higher order function):
Exercise 22.12 (Test 2: Recursion) Write a test case that uses recursion
Exercise 22.13 (Test 3: Any Test in this variant of JavaScripty) Write another test
in Lab3Spec.scala
and the expected result in answer
.For the accelerated component of this lab, we will give rules and implement the behavior that enables us to match JavaScript semantics. In particular, we will give rules and implement type coercions for numbers and strings, and we will update our small-step operational semantics to use them.
Exercise 22.14 Give the inference rules defining the judgment form for coercing a value to a number
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Exercise 22.15 Give the inference rules defining the judgment form for coercing a value to a string
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Exercise 22.16 Implement the toNumber
and toStr
def toNumber(v: Expr): Double = ???
def toStr(v: Expr): String = ???
defined function toNumber defined function toStr
Now that we are allowing type coersions, our operational semantics will change. For example, consider the following
This is a new rule for
Note that we only need to update
Exercise 22.17 Explain why we only need to update the
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One rule of particular interest is
Exercise 22.18 Give these new
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Similar to this, our
Exercise 22.19 Give the two new
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Once we have all of these rules defined, we notice that most of our
Exercise 22.20 Now that we have our type conversion functions implemented and our new rules defined, we are ready to update step
. Implement stepCoerce
by first copying your code from stepCheck
and then update based on your new rules.
def stepCoerce(e: Expr): Either[DynamicTypeError,Expr] = ???
defined function stepCoerce
As before, let the rules guide your implementation.
If you are a University of Colorado Boulder student, we use Gradescope for assignment submission. In summary,
You need to have a GitHub identity and must have your full name in your GitHub profile in case we need to associate you with your submissions.